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DION CHRYSOSTOME, Charidème (discours 30; traduction anglaise)


Texte grec :

[30,45] (DION) Παπαῖ, ὦ Χαρίδημε, οἷος ὢν ἡμῖν τέθνηκας, ὡς πολὺ τῶν κατὰ σαυτὸν ἀνθρώπων ὑπερέξειν ἔμελλες, οἵαν δὲ καὶ τῷ πατρὶ καὶ τοῖς πολίταις ἐπίδειξιν σαυτοῦ παρέσχου, μὰ Δί´ οὐ λόγων, ἀλλὰ μεγάλης καὶ ἀληθινῆς ἀνδρείας. ἐγὼ μὲν οὐκ ἔχω ὅπως παραμυθήσωμαι ὑμᾶς τοιούτου στερηθέντας μὴ βαρέως φέρειν. οὐδὲ γὰρ ἐμαυτὸν οἷός τέ εἰμι (46) ἱκανῶς παραμυθήσασθαι ἐν τῷ παρόντι. σὺ δέ, ὦ Τίμαρχε, μόνος δύνασαι τὸν πατέρα τοῦτον κουφίζειν καὶ θεραπεύειν αὐτοῦ τὴν ἀτυχίαν, ἐὰν μέλῃ σοι μὴ πολὺ ἐκείνου καταδεεστέρῳ φαίνεσθαι. καὶ γὰρ ἄτοπον, εἰ τὴν μὲν οὐσίαν αὐτοῦ τὴν μὲν ἤδη παρείληφας τοσαύτην οὖσαν, τὴν δὲ αὖθις λήψῃ τοῦδε ἀποθανόντος, τὴν δὲ σωφροσύνην καὶ τὸ θάρσος καὶ τὸ τῶν καλλίστων ἐρασθῆναι ἀφήσεις, ὡς κατά γε ταῦτα οὐδὲν ἐκείνῳ προσήκων.

Traduction française :

[30,45] (Dion) Alas, Charidemus, what a man has been lost to us in your death ! How far you would have surpassed the men of your generation, and what a splendid revelation of your character you have given to your father and your fellow citizens, a display, not of words assuredly, but of great and true manliness. For my part, I know not how to console you of his family, bereft of such a man, by exhorting you not to sorrow too deeply, for I am not able adequately to console even myself for the present. (46) You alone, Timarchus, are able to lighten this father's grief and to bring healing to his misfortune, by making it your concern not to be found much inferior to the departed. For it would be strange indeed if, while you have already received part of his property, great as it was, and will receive the other part in the future when your father here dies, yet you should forsake sobriety, courage, and a love for all that is most beautiful, as if in these matters you were of no kin at all to Charidemus.

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