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Denys d'Halicarnasse, Les Antiquités romaines, livre VII


Texte grec :

[7,44] Τὰς γὰρ ὑπὲρ τῆς ὁμονοίας τῇ βουλῇ ἀκινήτους ὁμολογίας καὶ μόνον οὐκ ἀδαμαντίνοις δεσμοῖς ἠσφαλισμένας, ἃς οὔτε ὑμῖν τοῖς ὀμωμοκόσιν οὔτε τοῖς ἐξ ὑμῶν ἐσομένοις καταλύειν θέμις, ἕως ἂν ἡ πόλις ἥδε οἰκῆται, πρῶτος ἐπεχείρησε λύειν ἐξ ὑμῶν οὑτοσὶ Μάρκιος οὔπω τέταρτον ἔτος ἐξ οὗ γεγενημένας, οὐ σιγῇ πράττων τὴν κατάλυσιν, οὐδ´ εἰς ἀφανές που καταδὺς χωρίον, ἀλλ´ ἀναφανδὸν ἐν τῷδε τῷ τόπῳ πάντων παρόντων ὑμῶν γνώμην ἀποφηνάμενος, ὡς χρὴ τὴν δημαρχικὴν ἐξουσίαν μηκέτι συγχωρεῖν ἡμῖν, ἀλλ´ ἀνελεῖν, ᾗ πρώτῃ καὶ μόνῃ τῆς ἐλευθερίας φυλακῇ πιστεύσαντες ἐποιησάμεθα τὰς διαλύσεις. καὶ οὐκ ἐνταῦθ´ ἔστη τῆς ἀλαζονείας, ἀλλ´ ὕβριν τὴν ἐλευθερίαν τῶν πενήτων καὶ τυραννίδα τὴν ἰσηγορίαν ὀνομάζων ἀφελέσθαι παρῄνει ταύτην ὑμῖν. ὃ δὲ πάντων ἀνοσιώτατον ἦν τῶν τότε ὑπὸ τούτου ἀξιωθέντων, ἀναμνήσθητε, ὦ πατέρες, ὅτ´ ἀπέφαινε καλὸν εἶναι καιρὸν ἀπομνημονεῦσαι πρὸς τὸ δημοτικὸν ἁπάσας τὰς ἐπὶ τοῖς προτέροις ἐγκλήμασιν ὀργάς, καὶ παρῄνει νῦν, ἐν ᾧ τετρύχωταί θ´ ὑπ´ ἀχρηματίας καὶ πολὺν ἤδη χρόνον τῆς ἀναγκαίου σπανίζεται τροφῆς, ἅπαν αὐτὸ ἐπιτρῖψαι, διακατασχόντας ἐπὶ τῆς αὐτῆς ἀπορίας τῶν ἐπιτηδείων τὴν ἀγοράν. οὐ γὰρ ἀνθέξειν ἡμᾶς ἐπὶ πολὺν χρόνον ὀλίγα σιτία πολλοῦ ὠνουμένους ἀργυρίου πένητας ἀνθρώπους, ἀλλὰ τοὺς μὲν οἰχήσεσθαι τὴν πόλιν ἐκλείποντας, ὅσοι δ´ ἂν ὑπομείνωσι τῷ κακοδαιμονεστάτῳ διαφθαρήσεσθαι τῶν μόρων. οὕτω δ´ ἄρα παρεφρόνει καὶ θεοβλαβὴς ἦν ταῦτα πείθων ὑμᾶς, ὥστ´ οὐδ´ ἐκεῖνο ἠδυνήθη καταμαθεῖν, χωρὶς τῶν ἄλλων ὧν προσετρίβετο τὰς τῆς βουλῆς σπονδὰς λύειν ἀξιῶν, ὅτι πένητες ἄνθρωποι τῆς ἀναγκαίου τροφῆς ἀποκλειόμενοι τοσοῦτοι τὸ πλῆθος ὄντες ὁμόσε χωρεῖν ἀναγκασθήσονται τοῖς αἰτίοις τῆς συμφορᾶς οὐθὲν ἔτι φίλιον ἡγούμενοι. ὥστ´ εἰ μανέντες ὑμεῖς ἐπεκυρώσατε τὰς γνώμας αὐτοῦ, μηθὲν ἂν γενέσθαι τὸ διὰ μέσου, ἀλλ´ ἤτοι τὸ δημοτικὸν ἀπολωλέναι πλῆθος ἅπαν, ἢ μηδὲ τὸ τῶν πατρικίων περιλελεῖφθαι γένος. οὐ γὰρ ἂν οὕτως ἀνδραποδωδῶς παρέσχομεν ἑαυτούς, οἱ μὲν ἐκπεσεῖν, οἱ δ´ ἀποθανεῖν, ἀλλὰ θεοὺς μάρτυρας ὧν ἐπάσχομεν καὶ δαίμονας ἐπικαλεσάμενοι, πολλῶν ἂν ἐξεπληρώσαμεν, εὖ ἴστε, τὰς ἀγορὰς καὶ τοὺς στενωποὺς νεκρῶν, καὶ μέγαν αἵματος κρατῆρα πολιτικοῦ στήσαντες οὕτως ἂν ἐδεξάμεθα τὴν ὀφειλομένην μοῖραν. τοιούτων ὑμῖν δυσσεβημάτων εἰσηγητής, ὦ πατέρες, ἐγένετο, καὶ τοιαῦτα δημηγορεῖν ᾤετο δεῖν.

Traduction française :

[7,44] "For Marcius here was the first man among you who endeavoured to dissolve our unalterable compact of unity with the senate, secured by bonds all but adamantine, a compact which it is unlawful for either you, who swore to its observance, or your posterity to dissolve as long as this city shall be inhabited. And this he did before the compact was in its fourth year, nor was it in silence, nor after he had slunk into some secret hole, that he worked for its abrogation, but he openly expressed the opinion in this very place, in the presence of you all, that you ought no longer to allow us the tribunician power, but ought to abolish the first and only safeguard of our liberty, relying on which we entered into the accommodation. Nor did this bluffing stop here, but giving (p269) to the liberty of the poor the name of insolence, and to equality that of tyranny, he advised you to deprive us of them. Call to mind, fathers, the most wicked of all the measures he then urged, when he declared it to be a fine opportunity for you to remember again all your resentment against the plebeians for their former offences, and advised that now, while they were distressed for want of money and had already for a long time lacked the necessaries of life, you should crush their whole class by firmly holding the market to the same scarcity of provisions. For we should not hold out for any length of time, he said, while paying a high price for little corn, poor men that we are, but some of us would leave the city and go elsewhere, while those who remained would perish by the most miserable of all deaths. But he was so senseless and infatuated in giving you this advice as not to be able to see even this — that, to say nothing of the other evils he was inflicting by asking the senate to dissolve its compact, such a multitude of poor men, when deprived of the necessaries of life, would be compelled to attack the authors of their calamity, no longer regarding any one as a friend. Consequently, if you had been so mad as to adopt his advice, it must have ended in one of these two ways, for there would have been no middle course: either the whole plebeian multitude would have perished, or even the patrician class would not have survived. For we should not have allowed ourselves to be banished or put to death in so slavish a manner, but, having called upon the (p271) gods and lesser divinities to be witnesses to our sufferings, be assured we should have filled the fora and the streets with many dead bodies, and after offering up a great bowl of the blood of our fellow-citizens, we should then have accepted our destined fate. Of such impious deeds, fathers, did he make himself the proponent, and such things did he think fit to demand in his harangue.

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