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Denys d'Halicarnasse, Les Antiquités romaines, livre VI


Texte grec :

[6,90] Ἐπειδὴ ταῦτ´ ἐψηφίσαντο, βωμὸν κατεσκεύασαν ἐπὶ τῆς ἀκρωρείας, ἐν ᾗ κατεστρατοπέδευσαν, ὃν ἐπὶ τοῦ κατασχόντος αὐτοὺς τότε δείματος ὠνόμασαν, ὡς ἡ πάτριος αὐτῶν σημαίνει γλῶσσα, Διὸς Δειματίου· ᾧ θυσίας ἐπιτελέσαντες καὶ τὸν ὑποδεξάμενον αὐτοὺς τόπον ἱερὸν ἀνέντες, κατῄεσαν εἰς τὴν πόλιν ἅμα τοῖς πρέσβεσιν. ἀποδόντες δὲ καὶ τοῖς ἐν τῇ πόλει θεοῖς χαριστήρια, καὶ τοὺς πατρικίους πείσαντες ἐπικυρῶσαι τὴν ἀρχὴν ψῆφον ἐπενέγκαντας, ἐπειδὴ καὶ τούτου παρ´ αὐτῶν ἔτυχον, ἐδεήθησαν ἔτι τῆς βουλῆς ἐπιτρέψαι σφίσιν ἄνδρας ἐκ τῶν δημοτικῶν δύο καθ´ ἕκαστον ἐνιαυτὸν ἀποδεικνύναι τοὺς ὑπηρετήσοντας τοῖς δημάρχοις ὅσων ἂν δέωνται καὶ δίκας, ἃς ἂν ἐπιτρέψωνται ἐκεῖνοι, κρινοῦντας ἱερῶν τε καὶ δημοσίων τόπων καὶ τῆς κατὰ τὴν ἀγορὰν εὐετηρίας ἐπιμελησομένους. λαβόντες δὲ καὶ τοῦτο τὸ συγχώρημα παρὰ τῆς βουλῆς ἀποδεικνύουσιν ἄνδρας, οὓς ὑπηρέτας τῶν δημάρχων καὶ συνάρχοντας καὶ δικαστὰς ἐκάλουν. νῦν μέντοι κατὰ τὴν ἐπιχώριον γλῶτταν ἀφ´ ἑνὸς ὧν πράττουσιν ἔργων ἱερῶν τόπων ἐπιμεληταὶ καλοῦνται καὶ τὴν ἐξουσίαν οὐκέθ´ ὑπηρετικὴν ἑτέρων ἔχουσιν, ὡς πρότερον, ἐπιτέτραπται δ´ αὐτοῖς πολλὰ καὶ μεγάλα, καὶ σχεδὸν ἐοίκασί πως κατὰ τὰ πλεῖστα τοῖς παρ´ Ἕλλησιν ἀγορανόμοις.

Traduction française :

[6,90] After they had passed this vote they erected an altar upon the summit of the mount where they had encamped, which they named in their own language the altar of Jupiter the Terrifier, from the terror which had possessed them at that time; and when they had performed sacrifices to this god and had consecrated the place which had received them, they returned to the city with the envoys. After this they also returned thanks to the gods worshipped in the city, and prevailed upon the patricians to pass a vote for the confirmation of their new magistracy. And having obtained this also, they asked further that the senate should allow them to appoint every year two plebeians to act as assistants to the tribunes in everything the latter should require, to decide such causes as the others should refer to them, to (p125) have the oversight of public places, both sacred and profane, and to see that the market was supplied with plenty of provisions. Having obtained this concession also from the senate, they chose men whom they called assistants and colleagues of the tribunes, and judges. Now, however, they are called in their own language, from one of their functions, overseers of sacred places or aediles,64 and their power is no longer subordinate to that of other magistrates, as formerly; but many affairs of great importance are entrusted to them, and in most respects they resemble more or less the agoranomoi or "market-overseers" among the Greeks.

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