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Denys d'Halicarnasse, Les Antiquités romaines, livre VI


Texte grec :

[6,37] Ταύτην ἀποφηναμένου τὴν γνώμην Λαρκίου καὶ πάντων ἐπαινεσάντων, τότε μὲν αἱ πρεσβεῖαι λαβοῦσαι τὰς εἰρημένας ἀποκρίσεις ἀπηλλάγησαν· τῇ δ´ ἑξῆς ἡμέρᾳ συναγαγόντες τὴν βουλὴν οἱ ὕπατοι περὶ τῆς ἐπανορθώσεως τῶν πολιτικῶν θορύβων προὔθεσαν σκοπεῖν. πρῶτος οὖν ἐρωτηθεὶς γνώμην Πόπλιος Οὐεργίνιος, ἀνὴρ δημοτικός, τὴν διὰ μέσου πορευόμενος ὁδὸν ἔλεξεν· Ἐπειδὴ τὸ δημοτικὸν πλῆθος ἐν τῷ παρελθόντι ἐνιαυτῷ προθυμίαν πλείστην εἰς τοὺς ὑπὲρ τῆς πόλεως ἀγῶνας ἐπεδείξατο, Οὐολούσκοις καὶ Ἀρούγκοις πολλῇ στρατιᾷ ἐπιοῦσιν ἀντιταξάμενον μεθ´ ἡμῶν, οἴομαι δεῖν τοὺς συναραμένους ἡμῖν τότε καὶ τῶνδε τῶν πολέμων μετασχόντας ἀφεῖσθαι καὶ μηδενὸς αὐτῶν μήτε τὸ σῶμα μήτε τὴν οὐσίαν ὑπὸ τῶν δανειστῶν κρατεῖσθαι· τὸ δ´ αὐτὸ δίκαιον εἶναι καὶ γονεῦσι τοῖς τούτων ἄχρι καὶ πάππων, καὶ παισὶν ἕως ἐγγόνων· τοὺς δ´ ἄλλους ἀγωγίμους εἶναι τοῖς δεδανεικόσιν, ὡς ἑκάστοις συνέβαλον. Μετὰ δὲ ταῦτα Τῖτος Λάρκιος εἶπεν· Ἐμοὶ δ´, ὦ βουλή, δοκεῖ κράτιστον μὴ μόνον τοὺς ἐν τοῖς πολέμοις ἀγαθοὺς γενομένους, ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸν ἄλλον ἅπαντα δῆμον ἐλεύθερον τῶν συμβολαίων ἀφεῖσθαι. μόνως γὰρ ἂν οὕτως ὅλην τὴν πόλιν ὁμονοοῦσαν ἐργασαίμεθα. Τρίτος δὲ παρελθὼν Ἄππιος Κλαύδιος ὁ τὴν ὕπατον ἀρχὴν τῷ παρελθόντι ἔτει σχὼν ἔλεξεν·

Traduction française :

[6,37] When Larcius had delivered this opinion and it had received the approval of all, the embassies then received the answers that I have reported, and departed. The next day the consuls assembled the senate and proposed that it consider how the civil disorders might be corrected. Thereupon Publius Verginius, a man devoted to the people, being asked (p351) his opinion first, took the middle course and said: "Since the plebeians last year showed the greatest zeal for the struggles in behalf of the commonwealth, arraying themselves with us against the Volscians and Auruncans when they attacked us with a large army, I think that all who then assisted us and took their share in those wars ought to be let off, and that neither their persons nor their property ought to be in the power of the money-lenders; and that the same principle of justice ought to extend to their parents as far as their grandfathers, and to their posterity as far as their grandchildren; but that all the rest ought to be liable to imprisonment at the suit of the money-lenders upon the terms of their respective obligations." After this Titus Larcius said: "My opinion, senators, is that to those who proved themselves good men in the wars, but all the rest of the people as well, should be released from their obligations; for only thus can we make the whole state harmonious." The third speaker was Appius Claudius, the consul of the preceding year, who came forward and said:

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