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Denys d'Halicarnasse, Les Antiquités romaines, livre IV

Chapitre 82

  Chapitre 82

[4,82] Αὕτη Σπορίου μέν ἐστι Λουκρητίου θυγάτηρ, ὃν ἀπέδειξε τῆς πόλεως ἔπαρχον τύραννος ἐξιὼν ἐπὶ τὸν πόλεμον, Ταρκυνίου δὲ Κολλατίνου γυνὴ τοῦ συγγενοῦς τῶν τυράννων καὶ πολλὰ ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν κακοπαθήσαντος. αὕτη μέντοι σωφρονεῖν βουλομένη καὶ τὸν ἄνδρα τὸν ἑαυτῆς φιλοῦσα, ὥσπερ ἀγαθῇ προσήκει γυναικί, ξενιζομένου παρ´ αὐτῇ Σέξτου διὰ τὴν συγγένειαν τῇ παρελθούσῃ νυκτί, Κολλατίνου δὲ τότ´ ἀποδημοῦντος ἐπὶ στρατοπέδου, τὴν ἀκόλαστον ὕβριν τῆς τυραννίδος οὐκ ἐδυνήθη διαφυγεῖν, ἀλλ´ ὥσπερ αἰχμάλωτος ὑπ´ ἀνάγκης κρατηθεῖσα ὑπέμεινεν ὅσα μὴ θέμις ἐλευθέρᾳ γυναικὶ παθεῖν. ἐφ´ οἷς ἀγανακτοῦσα καὶ ἀφόρητον ἡγουμένη τὴν ὕβριν ἐπειδὴ πρὸς τὸν πατέρα καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους συγγενεῖς τὰς κατασχούσας αὐτὴν ἀνάγκας διεξῆλθε πολλὰς ποιησαμένη δεήσεις καὶ ἀράς, ἵνα τιμωροὶ τοῖς κακοῖς αὐτῆς γένοιντο καὶ τὸ κεκρυμμένον ὑπὸ τοῖς κόλποις ξίφος σπασαμένη τοῦ πατρὸς ὁρῶντος, δημόται, διὰ τῶν ἑαυτῆς σπλάγχνων ἔβαψε τὸν σίδηρον. θαυμαστὴ σὺ καὶ πολλῶν ἐπαίνων ἀξία τῆς εὐγενοῦς προαιρέσεως, οἴχῃ καὶ ἀπόλωλας οὐχ ὑπομείνασα τυραννικὴν ὕβριν, ἁπάσας ὑπεριδοῦσα τὰς ἐν τῷ ζῆν ἡδονάς, ἵνα σοι μηδὲν ἔτι τοιοῦτον συμβῇ παθεῖν. ἔπειτα σὺ μέν, Λουκρητία, γυναικείας τυχοῦσα φύσεως ἀνδρὸς εὐγενοῦς φρόνημα ἔσχες, ἡμεῖς δ´ ἄνδρες γενόμενοι γυναικῶν χείρους ἀρετῇ γενησόμεθα; καὶ σοὶ μέν, ὅτι μίαν ἐτυραννήθης νύκτα τὴν ἀμίαντον ἀφαιρεθεῖς´ αἰδῶ μετὰ βίας, ἡδίων καὶ μακαριώτερος ἔδοξεν θάνατος εἶναι τοῦ βίου, ἡμῖν δ´ ἆρ´ οὐ παραστήσεται τὸ αὐτὸ τοῦτο ὑπολαβεῖν, ὧν Ταρκύνιος οὐ μίαν ἡμέραν, ἀλλὰ πέμπτον καὶ εἰκοστὸν ἔτος ἤδη τυραννῶν, πάσας ἀφῄρηται τὰς ἐν τῷ ζῆν ἡδονὰς ἐλευθερίαν ἀφελόμενος; οὐκ ἔστιν ἡμῖν, δημόται, βιωτὸν ἐν τοιούτοις καλινδουμένοις κακοῖς, ἐκείνων τῶν ἀνδρῶν οὖσιν ἀπογόνοις, οἳ τὰ δίκαια τάττειν ἠξίουν τοῖς ἄλλοις καὶ πολλοὺς ὑπὲρ ἀρχῆς καὶ δόξης ἤραντο κινδύνους· ἀλλὰ δυεῖν θάτερον ἅπασιν αἱρετέον, βίον ἐλεύθερον, θάνατον ἔνδοξον. ἥκει δὲ καιρός, οἷον εὐχόμεθα, μεθεστηκότος μὲν ἐκ τῆς πόλεως Ταρκυνίου, ἡγουμένων δὲ τῆς ἐπιχειρήσεως τῶν πατρικίων, οὐδενὸς δ´ ἡμῖν ἐλλείψοντος, ἐὰν ἐκ προθυμίας χωρήσωμεν ἐπὶ τὰ ἔργα, οὐ σωμάτων, οὐ χρημάτων, οὐχ ὅπλων, οὐ στρατηγῶν, οὐ τῆς ἄλλης τῆς εἰς τὰ πολέμια παρασκευῆς· μεστὴ γὰρ ἁπάντων πόλις, αἰσχρόν τε Οὐολούσκων καὶ Σαβίνων καὶ μυρίων ἄλλων ἄρχειν ἀξιοῦν, αὐτοὺς δὲ δουλεύοντας ἑτέροις ὑπομένειν, καὶ περὶ μὲν τῆς Ταρκυνίου πλεονεξίας πολλοὺς ἀναιρεῖσθαι πολέμους, περὶ δὲ τῆς ἑαυτῶν ἐλευθερίας μηδένα. [4,82] "This woman is the daughter of Spurius Lucretius, whom the tyrant, when he went to the war, appointed prefect of the city, and the wife of Tarquinius Collatinus, a kinsman of the tyrant who has undergone many hardships for their sake. Yet this (p517) woman, who desired to preserve her virtue and loved her husband as becomes a good wife, could not, when Sextus was entertained last night at her house as a kinsman and Collatinus was absent at the time in camp, escape the unbridled insolence of tyranny, but like a captive constrained by necessity, had to submit to indignities that it is not right any woman of free condition should suffer. Resenting this treatment and looking upon the outrage as intolerable, she related to her father and the rest of her kinsmen the straits to which she had been reduced, and after earnestly entreating and adjuring them to avenge the wrongs she had suffered, she drew out the dagger she had concealed under the folds of her dress and before her father's very eyes, plebeians, plunged the steel into her vitals. O admirable woman and worthy of great praise for your noble resolution! You are gone, you are dead, being unable to hear the tyrant's insolence and despising all the pleasures of life in order to avoid suffering any such indignity again. After this example, Lucretia, when you, who were given a woman's nature, have shown the resolution of a brave man, shall we, who were born men, show ourselves inferior to women in courage? To you, because you had been deprived by force of your spotless chastity by submission to a tyrant during one night, death appeared sweeter and more blessed than life; and shall not the same feelings sway us, whom Tarquinius, by a tyranny, and of one day only, but of twenty-five years, has deprived of all the pleasures of life in depriving us of our liberty? Life is intolerable to us, plebeians, while we wallow amid (p519) such wretchedness — to us who are the descendants of those men who thought themselves worthy to give laws to others and exposed themselves to many dangers for the sake of power and fame. Nay, but we must all choose one of two things — life with liberty or death with glory. An opportunity has come such as we have been praying for. Tarquinius is absent from the city, the patricians are the leaders of the enterprise, and naught will be lacking to us if we enter upon the undertaking with zeal — neither men, money, arms, generals, nor any other equipment of warfare, for the city is full of all these; and it would be disgraceful if we, who aspire to rule the Volscians, the Sabines and countless other peoples, should ourselves submit to be slaves of others, and should undertake many wars to gratify the ambition of Tarquinius but not one to recover our own liberty.

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